Wednesday, November 5, 2008

American dreams...

So today was one of the hugest days in America. Amazing! I was hopeful that Obama would win, it's time for renewal. Despite the abortion and anti - gay stuff paraded around by the Mc Cain's I think that trying to deny problems is not anywhere near the answer. Loving society enough is. I think Obama forces the Nation to re-discover God, to question their beliefs and which can quite possibly kick start the old banger of Christianity we see everywhere in the Western World. I am not generalizing at all, I know so many fantastic Christians from the States- but sometimes it takes you to live your faith outside of comfort that can bring the true heart of Worship. The same is needed in some parts of Europe- what dead religion we need to shake off!!! Is my Christianity based upon the country I live in? Is it based on the governments over my country? NO. Thank God for Obama. I believe he has insight to guide and lead the U.S.A into truth. The first black president has arrived! Let us see positive change and growth. On top of all of these things Obama has made a way for anti poverty solutions, things which Mc Cain has not so greatly offered- my vote, if I were American would be Obama- and he won! 

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