Over the past year God has shown me so much but also so little concerning the future. I cannot give definitives when people ask me, "what are you doing after degree?", however I cannot deny the huge way that He has and is speaking to me about Africa. I never expected this, but it has arrived and the same feeling/experience I had when God called me to come to Bible College in Australia, is the same unction that I feel when someone talks to me about Africa. At present I am cluing through my cognitive brain as to how this can happen, where exactly in Africa and what about the fact that I am Irish... This all has been buzzing my brain since a conversation with a missionary from Kenya this evening. I didn't expect it, but this lady I was conversing with has been a missionary for fifteen years, as she spoke with me, this unction that I have not felt in three years; came back- this burden is in me and I don't know what else to do, but weep and to continue...
P.S. I totally stole this photograph from missionaries in Kenya, John and Sharon at shilohhousemission.org
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