Embarking on this beautiful new decade, there are things to which I must resolve and things to which I prefer and therefore I work towards. It has honestly been the most difficult year of my life thus far, but in many ways the most exhilarating journey. I feel as though I have been shipwrecked, a cast away and now upon gathering my feet again I get to explore this bountiful land with which I find myself. There are new things to taste, to sense and most all of them are foreign to me. So I set the vision clear, whilst watching the boats of the past drift off into small shapes in my long sighted eyes. I set the vision so that I don't get confused, so that I don't side track or move with tides of emotions. There is treasure to be had, treasure that was always here but I wasn't ready to find. I have nothing but sheer gutsy determination and intuitive natures to guild me. I trust myself more than ever, I trust this intuition because it became my friend a long time ago. I trust this intuition because it is my warning bell, I've learned that I can do this, that I am more than capable, that I have these particular guts because there is much treasure to be found. I say goodbye to old friends, dear ones and loves not because I didn't love them, but because time came and time left. They have their own treasure to find, and I wish them well. This new decade brewds over me, changes the ancient skies to glow above colours of gold and blinding whites, they give peace to the storms which brought me here. I am safe and sound. I am here now...
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